About me

Hi, my name is Danyl Ovcharov and I’m from Ukraine. I’ve already been Marine Engineer for 6 years and now decided to do something else. Now I’m learning Front-End Engineering and at this period of time it became my main hobby. I hope, that in the future it will become more than just hobby. I think that everyone can change their style of life, you need only put some efforts to it.

This page is made for practicing HTML&CSS and vanilla JavaScript. It’s part of Codecademy project. Down below you can find my other projects.

P.S. I have a cute dog, you can find more of her photos on one of my projects. Check my Projects to see her.


Because I started to learn Front-End Engineering not long time ago, I made not so much Projects. I hope in the future this section will be updated.

  • Corginication
  • Shopping List

My first project. This website was made for advertising business of my dog. Additional goal of this website is mastering my first steps at HTML&CSS. In this project for making responsive website I was using media query and flex-boxes.

Click Here to check it.

Shopping List
This website was made as a final project of Clyde Mattew DOM Courses. Is this project JavaScript was used to dynamically change DOM. I also made some improvement.

Click Here to check it.

If you have advises regardless my Projects, please contact me or leave a comment in Codecademy forum.

